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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace

Strengthening and integrating peacebuilding approaches in security governance

Interpeace is working with the National Ministries of Security and Defence, the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSD), the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD), INDIGO, the Peacekeeping School, and Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF), to strengthen and integrate peacebuilding approaches in security governance in the Sahel, Boucle du Mouhoun, and the East and Centre-North regions of Burkina Faso.

The ultimate aim of the project is to promote peacebuilding approaches in security governance in these regions, as well as inclusive, participatory and collective security management, by improving relations between traditional security actors and communities.

Since the official launch of the project in 2021, Interpeace and its partners have mapped security sector actors in the different regions, conducted satisfaction surveys on security service provision, and held regional consultations and workshops with identified stakeholders to understand current security dynamics in the regions.

These consultations have assisted populations to understand current conflict dynamics through their contact with security actors, and also their own roles in building social cohesion and sustainable peace in their communities. “It is the first time I have been consulted on security issues, and I think it is a good thing to be given the opportunity to express myself on such an important subject,” said one stakeholder, who affirmed that combating insecurity is everyone’s concern and responsibility.


