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Fostering sustainable social cohesion

In the Western District of “Les Montagnes,” Interpeace and Indigo Côte d’Ivoire, with the support of the EU, were able to (1) foster collaboration and increased trust between local authorities and Peace Committees in 9 localities (informal committees that aim at preventing or solving local conflicts) in Western Côte d’Ivoire; and (2) enhance the conflict management skills of the members of the targeted Peace Committees. The combination of these two achievements resulted in the decrease of social tensions within the target communities. In order to catalyze the positive changes in conflict resolution and social cohesion, we will further facilitate collaboration between the local authorities and peace committees in the region. We will share these achievements and good practices with the regional and national authorities in order to institutionalize the role of—and collaboration with—peace committees as supporting mechanisms for local governance.


