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Conflict Prevention and Management in the East Region of Burkina Faso

The East region of Burkina Faso experienced an explosion in the number of conflicts between 2015 and 2017. From 101 cases between 2012 and 2014, this region recorded 849 cases of community conflicts between 2015 and 2017. These are mainly land conflicts, agro-pastoral conflicts, conflicts related to traditional chieftaincy, inter-religious conflicts, political conflicts and conflicts between populations and minors. Land conflicts are the most recurrent, with 518 cases, or 61%.

To reduce the risk of conflict over land and natural resources, and to make communities more resilient to the challenges of land and natural resource management in the East region, Interpeace is implementing since July 2021 project on "Conflict prevention and management project in the East region of Burkina Faso" with UNDP and FAO. The project aims to develop the capacity of local institutional actors and conflict-affected communities to analyze, manage, mediate, and resolve conflicts over land and natural resources in a non-violent manner, leading the process from within, guided by the needs and aspirations of the communities. Interpeace is mandated to conduct a conflict analysis and baseline assessment to provide the data and information necessary to formulate a more refined programmatic response to maximize the project's impact on conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding.


