How can the media make the voices of young people heard and create dialogue between generations, to contribute to more peaceful societies? This is the subject of the second issue of "Mediation", Fondation Hirondelle's biannual publication.
The publication includes an interview with Graeme Simpson, Director of Interpeace USA and lead author of “The Missing Peace” - progress study carried out following UN Security Council 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security. In the interview, Mr. Simpson, our representative in New York, explains how the media could foster youth’s contribution to peace processes and conflict resolution.
We are happy to contribute to this publication and congratulate our partner, Fondation Hirondelle!
Graeme Simpson, Director of Interpeace USA and lead author of the Progress Study on Youth Peace and Security at the Open Debate held on April 23, 2018 in the United Nations Security Council.
Find document including the English and French versions of the “Mediation” publication. You can find Graeme Simpson's interview in English on page 2 and in French on page 8.