Livelihoods for Peace

April 8, 2024

The Livelihoods for Peace Paper explores the vital connection between livelihoods and peacebuilding in conflict-affected regions. As international commitment to peacebuilding grows, integrating livelihoods and peacebuilding programmes gains importance. Livelihoods offer tangible benefits, addressing the practical needs of communities, making them an accessible entry point for peacebuilding initiatives. But decent and sustainable livelihoods, if accessible fairly between and across societies, also contribute to peace and stability. Although the link between fair livelihoods and peace is well-established, there is a lack of comprehensive evidence or best practices. Livelihoods for Peace proposes a theory of change, focusing on four key areas: expanding livelihood opportunities, strengthening regulatory mechanisms, promoting cooperative livelihood activities, and enhancing access to social protection. These familiar livelihood interventions are designed on the basis of peace and conflict and market analysis, and integrate familiar peacebuilding methods such as dialogue, mediation, violence interruption, psychosocial recovery and reconciliation, fostering cooperation, trust, and resilience. Integrating peacebuilding and livelihoods efforts necessitates explicit theories of change, emphasising fairness, inclusivity, and gender sensitivity. Engaging experts from both fields and working at multiple levels ensures consistent outcomes and contributes to building enduring peace. Collaboration between governments, international agencies, civil society, and businesses is crucial, enabling conflict-affected communities to establish sustainable livelihoods and foster peace.