Opening panel: Peace is Possible

Monday, 31 October | 10h30-11h30 | In person

Reshaping Peace Processes: Catalysing Collective Change

Monday, 31 October | 15h15-16h15 | In person

Food Security for Peace: Exploring pathways to build peace through food and agricultural interventions

Online – Digital series

Digital Spaces: Risks and Opportunities for Peace

Wednesday, 2 November | 9h00-10h15 | In person

Sustaining Peace in Practice: Breaking down the siloes between humanitarian, development and peace action

Thursday, 3 November | 9h00-10h15 | In person

From Outside the Box to Around the Table: Inclusion of Youth in Peacebuilding and Peacemaking

Thursday, 3 November | 16h30-17h45 | In-person

Geneva Peace-Cast
A series highlighting solutions emerging from Geneva Peace Week, produced by Interpeace, Fondation Hirondelle and Geneva Peacebuilding Platform.
The vital linkage between food and peace: A conversation with Paul Opio

Paul joined the Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda in 2007 as a livestock specialist for the Karamoja region where he designed and managed several emergency and rehabilitation projects. In this episode, Paul talks about the linkages between food (in)security and conflict, as well as how improving food and agricultural infrastructures can contribute to building peace.

Youth at the center of transitional justice and peacebuilding: A conversation with Anjli Parrin

Abiosseh Davis, from Interpeace, interviews Anjli Parrin on the critical role young people play in societies emerging from conflict and the costs of keeping them excluded and marginalized from peace and transitional justice processes. Anjli is a Kenyan human rights lawyer, a youth advocate, and a visiting clinician at the University of Chicago Law School, where she directs the Global Human Rights Clinic.

The triple nexus in practice: A conversation with Marco Villela

How can we address immediate humanitarian crises in Central America while addressing their root causes simultaneously? Marco Villela of World Vision talks about his work in building peace in urban settings, under the lens of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. Marco is a Doctor specialising in Nutrition and is World Vision’s Director for Strategic Initiatives in Central America.

No peace without women: A conversation with Zin Mar Phyo

Zin Mar Phyo is a women's rights activist and a feminist journalist from Mon State, Myanmar, whose work focuses on gender justice and women in conflict areas. In this episode, Zin Mar discusses with Abiosseh Davis the urgency to ensure a meaningful participation of women in building peace and the main challenges to advancing gender equality and women's rights in conflict-affected settings.

Adressing Violent Extremism in Digital Spaces: A conversation with H.E. Ahmed Al Qasimi

What are the trends regarding the spread of violent extremism in digital spaces and how can we address them? H.E. Ahmed Al Qasimi, Executive Director of Hedayah, the International Center of Excellence for Countering Extremism & Violent Extremism, shares his insights with Jackie Dalton of Fondation Hirondelle.

Digital Spaces - Risks and Opportunities for Peace: A conversation with Anne-Marie Buzatu

How can digital spaces be used to contribute to a more peaceful world? Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of ICT4 Peace Foundation shares analysis and recommendations with Jackie Dalton of Fondation Hirondelle.

Impact of Climate Change on Conflict Dynamics: A conversation with Juanita Vélez

How is climate change impacting conflict dynamics and recruitment to armed groups in Colombia? Juanita Vélez shares research and recommendations with Jackie Dalton of Fondation Hirondelle. Juanita is founder of the Colombian NGO, Conflict Responses.

Geneva Peace-Cast Radio Corner
Interviews recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.
Radio corner: Elsa Barron - Research Fellow, Center for Climate and Security

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Margot Wallström - Chair, Expert Panel of Environment of Peace. Former Swedish Minister for Foreign Aff.

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Hannah Moosa - International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Jolie-Ruth Morand - Principal Programme Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa DCAF

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Anina Uhlig - Programme Officer, West Africa/Conflict Sensitivity PeaceNexus Foundation

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Sarra Messaoudi - Tunisian peacebuilding and NGOs practitioner

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Nathan Shea - Assistant Director, Conflict & Fragility Unit The Asia Foundation

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Oli Brown - Senior Fellow, Chatham House and Geneva Centre for Security Policy

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Yves Daccord - Co-Chair, International Commission on Inclusive Peace

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Hiba Qasas - Director, Principles for Peace Initiative

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Alexandre Munafò - Head of Global Engagement, Geneva Call

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Sabrina Mignone - Peace and Disarmament Programme Assistant, Quaker UN Office

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Alexander Babutsidze - Etudiant à IHEID President, Peacebuilding Initiative

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Dany Diogo - Geneva Peace Week Lead

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Opening panel: Peace is Possible

Monday, 31 October | 10:30-11:30 hours

Opening panel discussion with the Geneva Peacebuilding platform's steering committee members to discuss the overarching theme “Peace is Possible”.

Mr. Simon Gimson, Interpeace's Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer will be featured in this panel.

More details will be provided soon.

Food Security for Peace:
Exploring pathways to build peace through
food and agricultural interventions

Cultivating cooperation: Environmental challenges and opportunities for peace in a new age of insecurity

Online - Digital Series

The climate crisis is significantly transforming the global peace and security landscape by exacerbating the social, economic and political processes that can lead to instability and conflict. These effects are particularly evident in fragile and conflict-affected countries that are highly dependent on a climate-sensitive agricultural sector. In these settings, climate-change induced pressure on local food systems can lead to food shortages and acute food insecurity, even famine, which have been identified as a key pathway through which climate change can cause conflict, especially at the local level. This situation has led to the emergence of a new area within the security sector, climate security, which refers to conflict and security risks induced, directly or indirectly, by climate variability. Within this broader area, food security plays a prominent role: more than 26% of all damages and losses caused by medium- and large-scale climate-related disasters are absorbed by the agricultural sector. In addition, food security interventions and natural resource management has also been identified as an opportunity that can be used to both build peace and adapt to climate change.

This podcast aims at increasing understanding of how agriculture and food systems are linked to climate and conflict dynamics and explores pathways through which food security and agricultural interventions can support the dual processes of building resilience to climate change and sustaining peace. It brings together the expertise and experience of interdisciplinary actors from across international Geneva, and from around the world, to examine both promising past interventions and consider lessons for the future.


Julius Jackson

Peter Läderach

Albert Souza Mülli

Caroline Pellaton

Digital Spaces:
Risks and Opportunities for Peace

Digital peace: The power and limits of innovation in peacebuilding

Wednesday, 2 November | 9:00-10:15 hours

Digital spaces bring both risks and opportunities to peace. We can see it from Zimbabwe to Venezuela from Ukraine to the US, from Sri Lanka to Syria, and in many other places around the world. The objective of this workshop is to demonstrate the extent to which digital spaces can both contribute to and undermine the peace process. We will build on a research conducted in May 2022, based on a series of interviews and a consultation organized by Principles for Peace, Fondation Hirondelle and ICT4Peace Foundation.

Our workshop will describe hybrid information ecosystems and their role in sustained peace processes. It will underline how public interest news media is essential for democratic decision-making and successful peace processes. We will map digitals risks and highlight how both state and non-state political actors are weaponizing tech platforms which by their very design tend to amplify divisive and antagonistic content. But we will also review how digital tools and spaces can contribute to sustained public peace processes. Finally, we will identify trade-offs and dilemmas, practical strategies for analysing and intervening in digital spaces, and policy recommendations to governments, tech companies and civil society groups.

Join our workshop and engage with our panellists : researchers, tech and media experts from around the world !


Sacha Meuter


Juuso Miettunen

Anne-Marie Buzatu

Lisa Schirch

Alex Krasodomski-Jones

Sustaining Peace in Practice:
Breaking down the siloes between humanitarian, development and peace action

Rights, inequalities and peace: navigating tensions, finding opportunities

Thursday, 3 November | 9:00-10:15 hours

Conflict, violence and growing needs require more sustainable solutions and a shift in the way the aid system currently operates. Peace actors cannot address the underlying drivers of conflict and crises alone. The question remains how the different actors operating in complex, protracted conflict-affected settings cannot only deliver their interventions more effective and sustainable, and according to their different mandates, but also at the same time make intentional and tangible contributions to building and sustaining peace? This interactive workshop will explore practical ways in which humanitarian, development and multi-mandated actors, such as the WHO, FAO, ILO and others, are enhancing the peace responsiveness of their programming. A short panel discussion will kick off the session and set the scene. Co-organizers will share experiences, challenges and lessons learned in embedding and mainstreaming peace responsive approaches within their organizations. Through participatory group discussion co-organizers will engage and reflect with participants on the opportunities and challenges of bridging the gap between humanitarian, development, and peace action. It will include the required shift that need to happen in operational modalities, institutional and individual cultures, mindsets and behaviors, as well as how aid system is financed. We encourage participants to reflect beforehand to bring innovative ideas of addressing these opportunities , and identify successes and opportunities.


Anita Ernstorfer


Annika Erickson-Pearson


Cecilia Sanchez-Bodas

Julius Jackson

Kevin Babila Ousman

Nieves Thomet

From Outside the Box to Around the Table: Inclusion of Youth in Peacebuilding and Peacemaking

Rights, inequalities and peace: navigating tensions, finding opportunities

Thursday, 3 November | 16:30-17:45 hours

Young people are essential in the construction and preservation of peace. Even though this central insight has gained considerable traction since the establishment of the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda through UN Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) reiterated and reinforced by young people themselves in the Missing Peace Report (2018), as well as successive resolutions UNSC 2419 (2018 and 2535 (2020), a lack of meaningful youth involvement beyond tokenistic consultation processes persists in many peace processes.

Drawing on existing programmatic insights on Youth, Peace and Security in various contexts, this panel is aimed at building awareness, sharing experiences as well as good-practices and evaluating concrete measures to achieve peacebuilding approaches that exceed paying mere lip service to youth participation.

Co-designed and co-implemented by youth actors themselves, the sessions’ premise revolves around the concept of ‘keynote listeners’. Changing the classical roles of high-level personalities and youth actors from a setup in which a keynote speech is being held with the subsequent opportunity for questions, to a distinctive setting in which policymakers first listen to youth voices and then engage with what they have just heard. Through this approach, relevant high-level guests will be directly addressed and engaged by youth actors from conflict-affected contexts and working on peace through different means, thereby bridging the gap between the lived experience, in-country work, and the policy level.

This workshop therefore highlights not only the necessity to purposely include young people in peacebuilding efforts but, by sharing and elevating perspectives from the field in a dialogue with policymakers and the wider international community, it actively aims to contribute to the integration of peace at the multilateral diplomacy and policy level.


Leonard Fried


Kessy Martine Ekomo-Soignet

Anjli Parrin

Camilla Ojala

Keynote listeners

Kirsti Kauppi

Thomas Wagner

Reshaping Peace Processes:
Catalysing Collective Change

A storytelling session showcasing collaboration and innovation

Monday, 31 October | 15:15-16:15 hours

During the opening day of the 2022 edition of Geneva Peace Week, the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (GPP) , the Principles for Peace (P4P), and the P4P Stakeholder Platform will host a storytelling session bringing together diverse and engaging speakers from around the world.

Speakers will provide short interventions on why peace is possible, what gives them hope for peace in a conflict landscape facing ever-increasing challenges, and how to leverage collective energy and innovation to improve prospects for peace globally.

The session will showcase and exemplify the spirit of collaboration and innovation in international Geneva, and beyond, using testimonies and stories from peacebuilding practitioners, senior government representatives and members of the International Commission on Inclusive Peace.


Hiba Qasas


Anna Jardfelt

Hans-Peter Jugel