Interpeace has been active in Eastern and Central Africa since 1996.
Interpeace works in close collaboration with its local partners. The Office in Nairobi currently supports peacebuilding efforts in:
Conflict Alert and Prevention Centre (CENAP)
République démocratique du Congo
Action pour la Paix et la Concorde (APC)
Centre d’Etudes Juridiques Appliquées (CEJA)
Pole Institute
Réseau d’Innovation Organisationnelle (RIO)
Commission nationale pour la cohésion et l’intégration (NCIC)
Never Again Rwanda (NAR)
Région Somali
Academy for Peace and Development (APD)
Puntland Development Research Center (PDRC)
Peacebuilding Team
Get more detailed information about Interpeace’s work in Afrique de l'est et centrale.
Priory Place, 5th Floor
Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingham
P.O.Box 14520 – 00800 Westlands
Kilimani, Nairobi
T +254 (20) 265 5228
M +254 733 605 290/+254 710 607 373