On the eve of Interpeace’s 25th Anniversary, coming up in 2019, a process entitled “Ready@25” has initiated within the organization, to strengthen our peacebuilding strategies worldwide. Over the past 8 months, the organization conducted an institution-wide process to identify and assess the most pressing challenges and trends impacting its field of work. As a result of this reflection, Interpeace’s Conseil d'administration defined a series of operational changes needed to adapt the organization to this new environment and to keep fostering sustainable peace worldwide.
Coming into effect immediately, is the appointment of Monica McWilliams as the new Chairperson of Interpeace’s Governing Board, the highest decision-making body of the organization. Furthermore, on July 1st, Scott M. Weber, former Director-General was appointed President of Interpeace.
Monica McWilliams - A lifelong commitment to peace
An expert on Conflict Resolution and Transitional Justice, Monica McWilliams, has been part of Interpeace’s family for the past four years: she has acted as the Vice-Chair of Interpeace’s Governing Board, and as a member of its Executive Committee. Through this experience, she has gained in-depth knowledge of Interpeace’s work, participating in a number of programmatic engagements around the world.
As co-founder of the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition (NIWC), a cross-community party formed in 1996 by local working- and middle-class women, Monica McWilliams became a key leader in promoting women’s involvement in peace processes. She was one of the few women at the table for the multi-party peace negotiations leading to the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement. During the negotiations following the Agreement, she was the Chairperson of the Human Rights Sub-Committee until 2003 and was later appointed Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, position she held for six years. As a Professor of Women’s Studies at the University of Ulster and an Associate Researcher with the Transitional Justice Institute, she has led research on gender, transition, human rights and conflict.
She is known for her prolific career as an activist, former politician and professor, passionately advocating for women’s role in peace processes. We are honored to welcome Monica McWilliams as our Chairperson at Interpeace. Under her leadership and guidance, we will continue to develop and implement, inclusive and sustainable peacebuilding programmes, in places where people suffer from violence, poverty, gender inequality and institutional fragility.
Monica McWilliams, Chair of Interpeace. Photo credit: Derek Speirs
Scott Weber – Shaping Interpeace’s strategic vision into the future
Scott Weber served as Director-General of the organization from 2005-2018, providing direction to the organization and overseeing its operations, partnerships and budget. Before joining Interpeace, Mr. Weber worked at the Office of the United Nations Director-General in Geneva (UNOG) and in disaster preparedness.
Scott believes strongly in education as a means to shape young generations of global citizens and in a more peaceful and inclusive world. In his spare time, he works with schools and universities to integrate Peace Education into their teaching practices and curricula. He is committed to diversity and inclusion and is a member of the International Gender Champions. In recognition of his record of professional accomplishments, his commitment to society and his potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world through his leadership, Mr. Weber was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2009. Each year the Forum recognizes “the 200 most distinguished young leaders below the age of 40 from around the world.”
On July 1, 2018, Scott Weber was appointed President of Interpeace. In this capacity, Mr. Weber, will lead the organization’s strategic development and growth agenda and position Interpeace’s work and messages for greater influence. He will oversee a Vice President and Chief Operating Officer whose function will be to manage day-to-day operations of Interpeace around the world and to oversee the Global Management Team.
Scott M. Weber, President of Interpeace. Photo credit: Shiho Fukada/Panos for Interpeace