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The Change We Seek


Initially established in 1994 by the United Nations, Interpeace is an independent international organization for peacebuilding that supports locally led initiatives around the world. Working with local partners and local teams, we jointly develop peacebuilding programmes and help establish processes of change to foster sustainable peace.

Our two-fold mandate is:


To strengthen the capacities of societies to manage conflict in non-violent, non-coercive ways by assisting national actors in their efforts to develop social and political cohesion


To assist the international community to play a more effective role in peacebuilding efforts around the world

Impact Goals

Building on our 25 years of experience working in conflict-affected regions of the world, we have identified three “impact goals” we seek to reach in order to achieve our mandate.

It is well-established in peacebuilding practice that without an end to direct forms of violence and fighting across society, it is very difficult, impossible or simply unsustainable to build peace. As a result, we aim to reduce violence and enhance safety and security by:

  • Transforming violent individuals and groups to become agents for peace
  • Enhancing community mechanisms to inclusively and non-violently manage safety and security
  • Strengthening the capacity of security and justice institutions to prevent violence and foster trust

One of the most persistent drivers of conflict is exclusion – political, economic and/or social exclusion. At the same time, we recognize that all societies and individuals have capacities to overcome and transform conflict. Yet, these resilience capacities are often underestimated or overshadowed by too heavily focusing on what causes fragility or divisions among conflict-affected communities. Therefore, we aim to help build resilient and inclusive societies by:

  • Strengthening trust between individuals and groups
  • Enhancing trust between societies and government
  • Addressing sources of marginalization and exclusion in society
  • Ensuring that economic systems support inclusive peace

To better identify and seize opportunities to enhance trust and social cohesion, there must be a more cohesive collaboration between governments, organizations and agencies engaged in a given context. Sustainable peace can only be achieved if their respective strategies and ways of engagement, do align around enhancement opportunities for peace. This includes working closely with the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding areas to help create greater incentives for sustainable peace by:

  • Generating better peacebuilding evidence to improve results
  • Enhancing the alignment of financing towards peacebuilding needs
  • Increasing the adoption of peacebuilding principles
  • Improving international strategies for peace