ImPACT Coalition on Peacebuilding

Date: May 10, 2024 12:30 am  /  Location: Nairobi, Kenya


The upcoming Pact for the Future is expected to lay out a new vision and aspirations for future generations. However, it is important that this vision is not disconnected from the realities of the present. Operationalising the Pact demands a focus on practical action and solutions, especially related to international peace and security and transforming global governance (Chapters 2 and 5 of the Pact). The 2025 UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR) provides an opportunity to concretely operationalise the peacebuilding aspects of the Pact's vision. We must seek to ensure that our aspirations for peace are grounded in a peacebuilding architecture that is effective and adaptable to changing circumstances. This requires a practical and action-oriented approach that ensures that the goals for peace and conflict prevention outlined in the Pact are followed up with concrete action through a thorough and dynamic review of the 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture.

Civil society engagement is seen as critical for shaping and promoting the policy changes coming out of the PBAR process. To promote these changes, peacebuilding CSOs have to come together to collectively leverage this process, as well as to engage both the UN and Member States. Therefore, this ImPACT Coalition is an invitation to the wider peacebuilding community - in all its diversity - to contribute to a discussion and a strategy to operationalise the aspirations of the Pact for the Future through the PBAR, and to ensure that the 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture is “fit for purpose”.


This session aims to explore the potential for building an "ImPACT Coalition" to connect the aspirations of the Pact for the Future to the 2025 Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture (PBAR). The session welcomes diverse people, organisations, and networks interested in the Summit, the Pact, and their connections to the PBAR process. The aim of this session is to explore the ways in which an ImPACT Coalition might serve these objectives, and to inform our collective approach moving forward.

  1. Examine the emerging themes and issues from the Pact for the Future that the PBAR must address, and identify ways for the PBAR to support impactful action on these issues.
  2. Explore opportunities to build on existing knowledge to address gaps and enhance UN peacebuilding efforts through the PBAR process.
  3. Discuss how the PBAR can contribute to the effective prevention of violent conflict, as envisioned in the New Agenda for Peace.
  4. Brainstorm ways for civil society organizations to utilize the ImPACT Coalition to promote shared priorities through the Summit and the PBAR process.
  5. Identify steps to fortify systematic and institutionalized partnerships for peacebuilding between the UN, civil society, and member states, including formalizing processes for consistent, regular, and reciprocal collaboration.
  6. Foster greater parity between UN entities and civil society organizations as equal partners in dialogues and in practice.


  1. What are the emerging themes and issues embedded in the Pact for the Future that the Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR) must address, and what can the PBAR do to support more impactful action on these issues?
  2. How can we build on existing knowledge to address gaps and opportunities in UN peacebuilding efforts, particularly by reference to the upcoming Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR)? What positive changes have there been, and where is action still needed?
  3. How can the PBAR best contribute to the prioritisation of effective prevention of violent conflict envisaged in the New Agenda for Peace?
  4. How can civil society organizations utilize the ImPACT Coalition to promote their priorities through the Summit and the PBAR? What steps can be taken to fortify systematic and institutionalised partnerships for peacebuilding between the UN, civil society, and member states, including formalising processes for more consistent, regular, and reciprocal collaboration between UN entities and civil society?
  5. How can we foster greater parity between UN entities and civil society organisations as equal partners in dialogues as well as in practice?

Session Moderators:
This session will be co-moderated by representatives of the two co-chairs of the CSO-UN Dialogue Initiative on Peacebuilding.

  • Roselyn Akombe, Chief of the Peacebuilding Strategy and Partnerships Branch from the UN Department of Political And Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO). 
  • Graeme Simpson, Principle Representative in New York and Senior Peacebuilding Advisor, Interpeace. 