Επιλύοντας το Κυπριακό πρόβλημα: Ελπίδες και Φόβοι
The report Solving the Cyprus Problem: Hopes and Fears published by the Interpeace initiative on the island, 'Cyprus 2015', captures the opinions and insights from Cypriots across the island, and their hopes versus their fears regarding the future. This report is the product of two years of research and dialogue that has taken place across the island involving both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
Μετάβαση σε μια Νέα Κουλτούρα
The report Navigating the Paradigm Shift published by the Interpeace initiative on the island 'Cyprus 2015' investigates the challenges and opportunities for the two communities of Cyrus, in the search for sustainable patterns of economic and social development. The report addresses how achieving sustainability is a critical issue for the survival and well-being of both the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot community on the island and how addressing sustainability can provide opportunities for the peace process.
ΟΠΕΚ παρουσίαση - Αςφάλεια και Εγγυιςεισ: ςτην Επίλυςη του Κυπριακοφ
This presentation highlights the survey findings on the security and guarantees issue. The presentation was given at a public event in Nicosia on 17 February 2011. The event was organized by OPEK and ELIAMEP with the support of the EC Representation in Cyprus.
Επόμενα Βιματα ςτθν Ειρθνευτικι Διαδικαςία
Presentation of the findings of the second public opinion poll Next Steps in the Peace Talks. The poll is an island-wide study of public opinion in Cyprus conducted by the Interpeace initiative 'Cyprus 2015.' The data analyzed in this presentation has been collected between 5 September and 30 September 2010.
ΟΠΕΚ παρουσίαση: Έρευνα και Διάλογος για ένα Βιώσιμο Μέλλον
Presentation of the finding of the survey Investigatin the Future: An in-depth study of public opinion in Cyprus. The poll is an in-depth study of public opinion in Cyprus conducted by the Interpeace initiative 'Cyprus 2015.' This presentation was given on 21 April 2010 during a public event at the premises of the Contractors Association of Paphos and was organised by OPEK (Association for Social Reform).
Presentation of the findings of the first public opinion poll 'Investigating the Future.' The poll is an in-depth study of public opinion in Cyprus conducted by the Interpeace initiative 'Cyprus 2015.' The data analyzed in this study has been collected from 6 October 2009 to 06 November 2009.