This month, we celebrate IPAT’s 5th Anniversary!
Interpeace’s Advisory Team – IPAT, was created to provide advising, training, and accompaniment to enchance the capacity of organizations, teams and individuals to engage effectively in their peacebuilding roles.
In this video, President of Interpeace, Scott Weber, interviews Martina Zapf, Senior IPAT Manager, to learn about the most recent initiatives carried out by IPAT.
Opinion: To fight famine, tackle conflict
"The international response to crises needs to change. Addressing the causes of conflicts, building robust, inclusive societies that resist violence: these are the new criteria for effectiveness." Article by President of Interpeace, Scott M. Weber, on how to tackle hunger through a peacebuilding approach. Article was published on 30 October, 2018 in Devex.
Capacity Building – Turning knowledge into practice
Article published in Swiss Peace Supporter, by President of Interpeace, Scott M. Weber, entitled “Capacity Building – turning knowledge into practice”.
Peace and Development Analysis. Findings & Emerging Priorities . Analytical Report prepared by IPAT for the UN in Papua New Guinea – Spreads
A Peace and Development Analysis (PDA) was conducted in 2013 for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea as a collaborative effort of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), the UN in Papua New Guinea through the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and its office in Bougainville, Interpeace and 1,100 crosssection of Bougainvilleans through the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. This Peace and Development Analysis paper is an analytical report prepared by IPAT for the UN in Papua New Guinea. It is not the end but the beginning of the conversation.
Effective Advising in Statebuilding and Peacebuilding Contexts - Why - The Limited Value-for-Money of International Technical Cooperation, Capacity-Development and Institutional Reform Support
‘Technical Cooperation’ or ‘Technical Assistance’, mostly in the form of international experts and advisors, and loans and grants for ‘institutional reform’ constitute a huge share of official development assistance. Yet a growing body of comparative and cumulative evaluations, further bolstered by academic research, show that its overall effectiveness in terms of better functioning governments, is limited at best.
Effective Advising in Statebuilding and Peacebuilding Contexts - How - Understanding and Working with Power
Anyone interested in ‘change’ has an interest in understanding ‘power’, because ‘power’ is both one of the constraining factors to change and one of its enablers. This paper discusses the importance of understanding and working with power in multi-stakeholder processes.