Nô obi mindjer ku mininu - Práticas de justiça na tabanca: Um olhar sobre os mecanismos tradicionais de resolução de conflitos nas regiões de Gabú, Oio e Tombali

Esta análise visa contribuir para a discussão sobre os mecanismos tradicionais de resolução de conflitos, com especial atenção para os conflitos que envolvem mulheres e crianças.

Nomeadamente, este projeto de pesquisa pretende elaborar uma análise que possa servir de base para as ações das autoridades locais e internacionais no setor da justiça, orientando-as para a integração do sistema de justiça tradicional numa reforma mais ampla do setor da justiça na Guiné-Bissau.

Prévention et résolution des conflits

Interpeace et Voz di Paz travaillent à faire avancer les capacités de prévention et de résolution des conflits aux niveaux local, régional et national et à promouvoir des mécanismes de résolution des conflits formels et informels plus inclusifs. Avec ces objectifs, dans les années précédentes, le programme a établi des groupes de dialogue sur la justice traditionnelle, a mené une analyse participative sur cette question avec un accent sur les femmes et les enfants, a plaidé pour la participation des femmes dans la justice traditionnelle et dans les structures de médiation au niveau communautaire et a travaillé avec un réseau de dix plateformes plateformes régionales de dialogue dans le pays pour surveiller les situations de conflit au niveau communautaire et contribuer directement à leur médiation. Tout au long de 2018, de nouvelles femmes médiatrices ont été associées aux mécanismes régionaux de dialogue de Voz di Paz et, dès 2020, un processus participatif pour restructurer ceux-ci et renforcer leurs compétences de médiation informelle a été lancé. Dans ce cadre, Interpeace et Voz di Paz travaillent actuellement à un système d’identification en ligne des conflits pour donner aux parties prenantes nationales et internationales des indications fiables sur la situation des conflits dans le pays. Pour faire avancer l’inclusivité de la prévention et la résolution des conflits à différents niveaux, le dispositif cherche actuellement à renforcer les capacités de médiation des jeunes pour leur permetttre d’être associés activement aux structures et institutions sur cette question et de participer à des médiations de conflits, notamment liés aux terres.

Promoting active citizenry

The initiative aims to create new mechanisms and build capacities for an active citizenry that is empowered to monitor, evaluate and advocate for adequate public policies in the justice sector, and to integrate traditional justice into the justice sector through a peacebuilding lens.

An essential component of the programme is the Participatory Barometer, which is the first ever to be used in Guinea-Bissau. The use of such a participatory tool is aimed at giving citizens an instrument so that they themselves can use to demand changes to the justice system, notably through dialogue and discussion, and by making the government reflect on what people expect from them in relation to the justice system and influence the reform process. The results of this Barometer will provide quantitative and representative information on the local governance of justice in the eight regions of Guinea-Bissau.

Increasing the participation of women in desion-making

Interpeace and Voz di Paz are promoting the inclusion of women in governance and contributing to laying the foundations for a more peaceful society, by strengthening the role of women in conflict resolution. Throughout 2018, new women mediators were integrated in Voz di Paz’s Regional Spaces for Dialogue (RSD)—which are local structures for peace across the country—and the percentage of female members in these spaces increased from 23.5% to 46%. In June 2018, at a National Gathering of the RSD, the importance of women in conflict resolution was discussed and affirmed both by male and female participants.

On a wider, societal scale, the Interpeace and Voz di Paz programme fostered a national dialogue and debate around the role of women in decision-making, giving voice to actors that would not ordinarily have the chance to express their opinions and concerns, and raising awareness on the issue of gender. In March 2018, the programme published the report Fala di Mindjer (The Voices of Women), together with an accompanying video, to highlight the barriers to women in decision-making while, along the year, radio spots and TV programmes were broadcast more than 3,000 times and public debates held with over 180 participants in all the country’s regions.

Furthermore, the capacities of key actors to advocate for gender in peacebuilding was strengthened through training held in Guinea-Bissau's eight regions, with more than 250 women and men leaders, as well as journalists and members of the Defence and Security Forces. As a result, advocacy initiatives were launched both locally and, in the capital, Bissau.

Voz di Paz Brochure

Read more about our partner organization in Guinea- Bissau: Voz di Paz - Iniciativa para a Consolidação da Paz.

Fala di Mindjer – The voices of women

"Beyond social pressure and institutional barriers: the role of women in decision-making spheres in Guinea-Bissau."

This report is the result of a participatory research conducted by Voz di Paz and Interpeace, with the support of the Gender Promotion Initiative of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. The participative and inclusive approach of the research offers new perspectives on the topic through in-depth discussions and debates among a diverse set of key actors in all regions of the country. What makes this research unique is that the results presented in the report reflect an understanding that is widely shared within Bissau-Guinean society.