Sintidu di justisa - Sommaire exécutif - Baromètre participatif sur la perception et l'expérience de la population : comment améliorer la gouvernance de la justice en Guinée-Bissau

Afin de renforcer les capacités des citoyens, des organisations de la société civile et des autorités locales à évaluer la gouvernance locale de la justice en Guinée-Bissau, Voz di Paz et Interpeace ont mené un baromètre participatif, inédit dans le pays. Le rapport Sintidu di Justisa présente les résultats de l'enquête et de l'analyse participative nationales, en exposant les principales conclusions et recommandations.

Sintidu di justisa - Executive Summary - Participatory barometer on the perception and experience of the population: How to improve the governance of justice in Guinea-Bissau

With the goal of strengthening the capacities of citizens, civil society organizations and local authorities to assess local governance of justice in Guinea-Bissau, Voz di Paz and Interpeace carried out a participatory barometer, unprecedented in the country. The Sintidu di Justisa report presents the results of the national survey and participatory analysis, setting out the main conclusions and recommendations.

Sintidu di justisa - Barómetro participativo sobre a perceção e experiência da população: Como melhorar a governação da justiça na Guiné-Bissau

Com o objetivo de reforçar as capacidades dos cidadãos, das organizações da sociedade civil e das autoridades locais para avaliar a governação local em matéria de justiça na Guiné-Bissau, a Voz di Paz e Interpeace levaram a cabo um barómetro participativo, inédito no país. O relatório Sintidu di Justisa apresenta os resultados do inquérito e da análise participativa nacionais, expondo as principais conclusões e recomendações.

Strengthening social cohesion in Guinea-Bissau – Addressing traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution

In many developing countries, traditional or informal justice systems are responsible for the resolution of over 80% of conflicts in a community. These conflict resolution mechanisms play a significant role in rural and urban areas worldwide, addressing matters ranging from local crime to protection of land and property, to issues concerning the resolution of family disputes and inheritance. As a result, these practices and traditions are deeply entrenched in local populations and pre-date formal justice systems. In most cases, these practices offer benefits in costs and physical accessibility. However, research has shown that these conflict resolution mechanisms disproportionately affect women and children.

In Guinea-Bissau, traditional conflict resolution mechanisms are deeply rooted in the costumes of the different communities of the country. In 2019, as part of a larger programme, UNDP et un UNICEF, funded by the Peacebuilding Fund, asked Interpeace and Voz di Paz to develop a project of “Technical Support to Strengthen the Integration of Traditional Justice in the Stabilization of the Justice Sector in Guinea-Bissau through Peacebuilding.” The project included a participatory research process, which resulted in the publication of a report that seeks to contribute to a discussion about traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution, focusing on the conflicts involving women and children. Research was conducted through six focus-groups in three regions of the country. These results were then validated through a participatory process. The study focuses on exploring the traditional justice system in Guinea-Bissau, by focusing on women’s issues, the treatment of children in traditional justice and the perception of the population regarding traditional and formal justice systems.

Crédits photo : Voz di Paz

The study showed that traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in Guinea-Bissau are centered on dialogue and reconciliation and are guided by people who have historical and/or religious importance in the community – village chiefs, elders, imams, priests and the committees established after independence. Therefore, the application of traditional justice is versatile and depends on the attitude of the actor who applies it. Regarding the treatment of women, there was an idea that was often raised: women have a subordinate position vis-à-vis men – and especially their husbands – and must "sufri" (resign themselves). As a result, in the opinion of many of the women consulted, their problems are not solved impartially and fairly by traditional justice mechanisms. Concerning children, their position is subordinate to older people, and are very rarely given the opportunity to speak during these proceedings.

To promote peaceful and inclusive societies there must be an effort to improve traditional justice systems in developing countries. Therefore, during the participatory validation session, key recommendations were raised to improve these practices in Guinea-Bissau: a) including women and youth in councils that mediate conflicts in communities, can strengthen their participation and ensure greater openness; b) allow men and women to be present and listened to equally, can make the procedures more inclusive; c) village chiefs and committees should work to promote transparent decision-making processes in order to improve legitimacy and impartiality of traditional justice; and lastly, c) improve respect for the rights of women and children in traditional justice. The report also includes recommendations for institutions and organizations working with the traditional justice systems.

Lire le rapport complet en portugais ici.

• Lisez le résumé en anglais ici.

• Lisez le résumé en français ici.

Nô obi mindjer ku mininu - Pratiques de justice au village : un regard sur les mécanismes traditionnels de résolution de conflits dans les régions de Gabú, Oio et Tombali - Sommaire exécutif

Cette analyse vise à contribuer à la discussion sur les mécanismes traditionnels de résolution des conflits, en accordant une attention particulière aux conflits impliquant des femmes et des enfants.

En particulier, ce projet de recherche vise à élaborer une analyse pouvant servir de base aux actions des autorités locales et internationales dans le secteur de la justice, guidant leur action vers l'intégration du système de justice traditionnel dans une réforme plus large du secteur de la justice en Guinée-Bissau.

Nô obi mindjer ku mininu - Justice practices in the village: a view over traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution in the Gabu, Oio and Tombali regions - Executive Summary

This analysis aims to contribute to the discussion on traditional mechanisms for conflict resolution, with particular attention to conflicts involving women and children.

Particularly, this research project aims to elaborate an analysis that can serve as a basis for the actions of local and international authorities in the justice sector, guiding their action towards the integration of the traditional justice system in a wider reform of the justice sector in Guinea-Bissau.