The Enemy: a virtual helmet that reveals the human faces of fighters


Interpeace et le Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF), were pleased to present in the context of the Geneva Peace Week, the virtual reality project The Enemy by Karim Ben Khelifa. The Enemy is a collective immersive experience that offers an innovative and human perspective on the realities of war and transports viewers face-to-face with fighters from three conflict zones: among the “Maras” of El Salvador, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Israel and Palestine.

The Enemy: a virtual helmet that reveals the human faces of fighters

What makes one person an ally and another an adversary? The issue can be complicated, but if one thing is for certain, it is easier to hate someone that you do not know.

In the media, we are bombarded with images of war and unrest, yet paradoxically this flood of images seems to reveal less and less about the fighters’ motivations for turning to violence. Karim Ben Khelifa is a photojournalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering active conflicts. The goal of his virtual reality installation The Enemy is to address this trend – to look behind the photograph.

To achieve his objective, he creates an immersive experience. Once they slip on the VR headset, participants find themselves face-to-face with six fighters from three conflicts: the clashes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the gang war in El Salvador, and the situation in Israel/Palestine.

Over the course of 45 minutes, the combatants explain their complicated relationships with violence, their victims and their motivations – but also their hopes for the future and aspirations about peace. Slowly, the experiences that tipped them towards violence are revealed – sometimes ill-treatment, sometimes coercion, or bearing witness to a killing. The way they speak about their adversaries varies too: Salvadorans are rather clinical about the conflict, while the combatants from the Middle East prefer to use verbal detours than call their enemies by name.

Now touring the world following several years of development, The Enemy made its fourth stop last week in Geneva, thanks to the support of Interpeace and the Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF). The biggest challenge to the process was finding the right interlocutors in such difficult contexts, explains Hélène Adamo, the project leader. Each of the interviews took six months to develop, since the installation not only conveys the combatants’ comments but also their non-verbal attitudes.

The effort pays off. In their speech and gestures, the fighters are fully realised and provoke empathy and understanding in participants – even affection in some cases. Some however, including those from the DRC conflict, do not fully reassure, and some participants are hesitant to approach them.

In undertaking the project, Karim Ben Khelifa seeks to launch a new journalistic approach that pushes the curious to go deeper into understanding the nature of different conflicts and the people involved in them. Participants’ reactions seem to show that the initiative is a successful one: the conflicts are rendered more understandable and accessible – as human stories. The feedback received will go into an impact report due for release in 2019.

For Interpeace too, the tool has proved beneficial in bringing the organization’s work to the public and furthering its goal of educating people about peace. Among the hundreds who engaged with the fighters during Geneva Peace Week were a number of ambassadors to the United Nations, many of whom recognized the kinds of conditions the fighters described. Ireland’s ambassador Michael Gaffey, for instance, whose country participated in the peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, was struck by the “closeness” to the combatants that the installation manages to establish.

“We were totally out of Geneva”, he said of an experience that he – much like Interpeace’s President Scott Weber – expected to be “much more artificial”, with fewer controversies and accusations being thrown than expected by Finnish ambassador Terhi Hakala.

Photo credit: Antoine Tardy for Interpeace

An even greater impact however came in Israel, where one of the combatants was directly affected by the experience. The only one of the six to have observed the final result, “Gilad” at first responded by asking if his Palestinian counterpart had been killed or was still fighting, before going back to take part in an active engagement. The experience stuck: this Israeli soldier would later address the Palestinian “Abu Khaled” for the first time and admit to having thought of the experience several times amid clashes he was a part of.

The understanding of the person behind the mask of the enemy – and their motivations, fears and aspirations – are a vital step towards possible reconciliation, according to Interpeace. The Enemy shows that the combatants “are rather reasonable” insists Dutch ambassador Monique van Daalen. There are valuable lessons to learn from this approach, applied by peacebuilders around the world.

People can experience The Enemy beyond physically participating in the installation. A mobile app has been launched to make the combatants even more accessible – with one of the combatants “meeting” more than 8000 people through this medium. The app is available in dozens of countries, creating a kind of virtual community built on the re-humanisation of fighters in conflict. This kind of approach has huge potential in a hyper-connected world. Who knows, one day it could even help divided societies reach across battle-lines – and use their common humanity as a stepping stone to peace.

A unique and immersive experience into conflict narratives – “The Enemy” will be presented during the Geneva International Film Festival and the Geneva Peace Week

Interpeace et le Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF), are pleased to present in the context of the Geneva Peace Week, the virtual reality project The Enemy by Karim Ben Khelifa. The Enemy is a collective immersive experience that offers an innovative and human perspective on the realities of war and transports viewers face-to-face with fighters from three conflict zones: among the “Maras” of El Salvador, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Israel and Palestine. Their testimonies and confessions about their lives, their experiences and the way they look at their “enemy” will allow viewers to better understand their motivations and their humanity.

Click image to visit "The Enemy" event page.

Working in conflict zones for over 24 years has shown Interpeace that peacebuilding needs to enhance trust between individuals and between all groups in society.  Violent conflict usually results in the breakdown of trust. Therefore, deconstructing toxic narratives about “the enemy” and establishing the basis for constructive dialogue are key factors to build sustainable peace. Through empathy and respect, different sectors of society can engage in dialogue and develop a common vision for the future. The Enemy provides visitors with this unique experience – engaging in dialogue with fighters from different conflict zones and as a result, providing them with a new way to talk about conflict. The immersive experience breaks with the imagery of war as the media has shown us so far: giving voice to those who carry violence, allowing them to introduce themselves, to explain their motivations and dreams. As a result, The Enemy confronts the points of view of the visitors and the combatants, providing a safe space for dialogue and contributing to build mutual understanding.

Thanks to the latest innovations in virtual reality, the visitors of this installation will be in the same physical space as the fighter’s interviewed and filmed by the photojournalist Karim Ben Khelifa. In this regard, the viewers are taken to the heart of the event via an innovative and unique device, which is the goal pursued by what is called immersive journalism. The Enemy is neither a static experience nor a solitary experience. It can hold several visitors simultaneously, all equipped with Oculus Rift helmets. Neurocognitive techniques were applied to the experiment to try to reinforce the involvement of the visitors.

Images from the "The Enemy" Project by Karim Ben Khalifa.

The project has been exhibited at the Arab World Institute in Paris, at the Tel Aviv International Film Festival, at the MIT Museum in Boston and the Phi Centre in Montreal. In November 2018, The Enemy will be shown for the 5th time worldwide, and for the first time in Switzerland.

The installation will be located in Geneva at the Auditorium Fondation Arditi, from 2- 10 November, 2018. The experience lasts under an hour and will have a capacity of 5 people per hour. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience this virtual reality project!

Purchase your ticket here to secure a slot.

Learn more about Karim Ben Khelifa and his experience in the development of this project Cliquez ici.

Learn more about the events co-hosted by Interpeace at the Geneva Peace Week.