SCORE Index - executive brief
This brief gives an overview of the SCORE Index, an innovative tool designed to measure the state of peace in societies around the world. SCORE has been developed by Interpeace's local partner, the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD), in partnership with UNDP-Act and with the support of USAID.
Case study: An innovation to engage people in peace processes
This case study introduces participatory polling as a an innovative action research methodology through which the general public is consulted on policy issues, using a questionnaire that has been designed with the contribution of societal and political stakeholders. The results of the poll then serve as a basis for public dialogue and policy-making process. The experience in Cyprus has shown that this tool is of great value to bridge the gap between policy-makers and the society at large, as well as to lay the foundation for dialogue between opposing communities.
The Center for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD) is developing an index called the Social Cohesion and Reconciliation (SCORE) Index which aims to measure the impact of peacebuilding activities while taking the pulse on the underying social factors that can influence the outcome of peace process in Cyprus and around the world.
Understanding the public dimension of the Cyprus peace process
Presentation of the findings of a survey Understanding the Public Dimension of the Cyprus Peace Process with a special focus on the outcomes of a potential referendum. The research was conducted from February to March 2012 and analyzed by the 'Cyprus 2015' research team.
Beyond the deadlocks: Redesigning the Cyprus peace process
The current peace talks in Cyprus have reached an impasse. In this document, the Interpeace initiative in Cyprus, Cyprus 2015, proposes five principles for the peace negotiations.
Gender participation in the peace talks
On the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1324, Cyprus 2015 published this latest policy brief. Cyprus 2015 recommends the formal adoption of a National Action Plan within the framework of the peace negotiations.