Resumen Ejecutivo - FAR Documento de sistematización de la fase de consulta en Guatemala
The Executive Summary summarizes the findings from the consultation phase of the Frameworks for Assessing Resilience project in Guatemala. The results document the resilience of Guatemalans in the face of threats to peace.
Mesa redonda de Peace One Day sobre la prevención de la violencia y la tregua en El Salvador
This video shows the discussion hosted by Interpeace’s Regional Office for Latin America, and that was featured as a part of Peace One Day's Live Global Moments. It focused on the work undertaken by key Salvadoran actors who brought about a truce between two rival gangs.
The Interpeace Regional Office for Central America released the report Violent and Abused as the culmination of a study that examines the experiences with violence and subordination that are common to women who are both members of gangs and who are associated with gangs as girlfriends, wives, or family members of gang members. The research is heavily based on interviews with gang members that were conducted by Interpeace in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras over the course of three years, and it provides an in-depth exploration of gender relations in the Central American gangs and offers policy and funding recommendations for addressing the underlying factors that contribute to the desire of certain women to associate with gangs.
Líneas estratégicas de acción para la prevención de la violencia que afecta la juventud en Costa Rica, 2012-2014
The recommendations called Strategic Lines of Action for Youth Violence Prevention in Costa Rica, 2012-2014 are designed to promote a comprehensive approach to youth violence prevention. With a primary focus on prevention, the proposals seek to reduce risk factors, encourage community participation and foster dialogue. They will also promote alternatives to violence such as education, sports and recreation, cultural activities and job training.
12 estrategias para prevenir la violencia relacionada con la adolescencia y la juventud
This document outlines 12 strategies for the prevention of youth related violence across Central America.
Entornos violentos: Contexto en el que crece la juventud hondureña
The document analyzes the different forms of violence that are affecting teenagers and Honduran youth today. It also outlines the typical responses to this issue that have been taken so far.