Puntland Nabad Ah: Astaynta Horumarka
Qoraalkani waa natiijada cilmibaaris sannad qaadatay oo lagu soo ogaanayey caqabadaha iyo fursadaha ka jira arrimaha la xiriira dimuqraadiyaynta, baahinta maamulka iyo amniga iyo sarraynta sharciga. Waxa lagu fuliyey Barnaamijka Tiirarka Nabadda wajigeeda 2aad, kaas oo ay si wada jir ah isaga kaashadeen hay’daha PDRC iyo Interpeace oo sannado badan ku bahoobey horumarinta nabadda iyo baritaarka dimuqraadiyadda.
The effect of a cyclone in Puntland
The film documents the effects of a cyclone in Puntland, Somalia and was created by the Puntland Development Research Centre (PDRC), one of Interpeace's local peacebuilding partners. It documents the actual situation on the ground and advocates for humanitarian assistance for the affected communities.
This manual has been developed as a practical guide for secondary and post-secondary teachers. It provides them with input on approaches and tools that aid awareness-raising in young people of issues relating to peace, democracy and security, and create opportunities for constructive dialogue on such issues.
Puntland: Civic education programme through traditional delivery
The video presents the screening of the film documenting the civic education campaign during an awareness-raising workshop for students in a secondary school in the town of Galkayo.
PDRC Anti-Piracy Campaign
This video shows the Mobile Audio-Visual team in action, pursuing its awareness raising campaign on piracy in Puntland with a visit to the coastal town of Gara’ad, in the Jariban District. The short film screened in coastal villages emphasizes the fact that despite its promises of easy profit, piracy has a negative impact on everyone in one way or the other.
Planting democracy in Puntland
As part of Puntland’s preparations for local elections in 2012, a team from our local partner, the Puntland Development Research Center, accompanied the Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission on a tour to raise awareness of the democratization process.