Peace Responsiveness: Delivering on the promise of Sustaining Peace and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus – Framing Paper

Peace Responsiveness: Delivering on the promise of Sustaining Peace and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus – Briefing Note

Shaping Future Peacebuilding

Entitled “Shaping Future Peacebuilding”, the annual report illustrates how the obstacles and challenges we faced in 2020, especially the multidimensional COVID-19 crisis, did not hinder our work worldwide, but instead strengthened our adaptability and resilience. It also strengthened our determination to learn and to build stronger and more effective peace solutions in the years ahead with the communities that we serve.

The report highlights some remarkable impacts both on the ground and at the policy level. From enhancing safety and security in Libya to fostering individual and community healing and social cohesion in Rwanda, we are very pleased with these achievements that have planted the seeds of sustainable peace and development, and that are made possible by the tireless efforts of our own teams and partners. Globally, we have continued creating incentives and shaping policies for peace processes to be more fit for purpose. We are particularly delighted to have launched the Principes pour la paix as an innovative, collective and global effort to create norms and principles to guide future peace efforts.

The global pandemic highlighted, more than ever before, the link between health and peace. Yet, we have observed that the link has not been explored to its full operational and policy potentials. In 2020, we invested in a better understanding of the concept of Peace & Health and its implications, building on our institutional partnership with the World Health Organisation and the added value of our ‘peace responsiveness’ approach through which we are creating better quality peace-oriented policies and practices of the international system.

Bridging health, peace and security: The role of trust and community engagement


Interpeace was delighted to participate in the 2021 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development on the theme ‘Promoting Peace in the Age of Compound Risk’. You can watch the high-level panel-event co-hosted by Interpeace on Health and Peace: “Bridging heatlh, peace and security: The role of trust and community engagement”.

The Covid-19 pandemic is the greatest public health crisis in generations and has devastating impacts on lives and livelihoods. The emergence of a suite of vaccines represents a beacon of hope that we may soon stem the tide of the pandemic. Multilateral initiatives, such as the COVAX facility, play a crucial role in ensuring an equitable distribution of vaccines to developing countries. This does not, however, guarantee success on the home straight in getting vaccines into arms.   The pandemic, and accompanying infodemic, have exacerbated existing inequalities and mistrust between groups and towards authorities. This is particularly acute in countries affected by violence and conflict. To succeed, the international community and health practitioners need to anticipate and address resistance to and tensions surrounding vaccine campaigns and health systems, as well as the challenges of gaining access in dangerous contexts.  This session explores the necessity to focus on trust and community engagement to the fight against the pandemic and the opportunity this represents to build greater confidence in community cooperation and in governance systems. 

Strategy 2021-2025: A Resilient Peace – Abbreviated Strategy

Actuellement, 80% de toutes les crises humanitaires sont liées à des conflits, dont la majorité dure plus de dix ans. La polarisation politique augmente, alors que la confiance dans les institutions et dans les systèmes économiques est peu élevée. En considérant ces tendances et cette volatilité, il est impératif de renforcer les capacités positives et existantes, de même que la résilience, des individus et des communautés pour aboutir à une paix durable, de la croissance et du développement.
A world in which enduring peace is evident in the cohesion and resilience of citizens, the diversity and inclusion of communities, and the responsiveness and trustworthiness of State institutions.


Strategy 2021-2025: A Resilient Peace – Bi fold

Actuellement, 80% de toutes les crises humanitaires sont liées à des conflits, dont la majorité dure plus de dix ans. La polarisation politique augmente, alors que la confiance dans les institutions et dans les systèmes économiques est peu élevée. En considérant ces tendances et cette volatilité, il est impératif de renforcer les capacités positives et existantes, de même que la résilience, des individus et des communautés pour aboutir à une paix durable, de la croissance et du développement.

A world in which enduring peace is evident in the cohesion and resilience of citizens, the diversity and inclusion of communities, and the responsiveness and trustworthiness of State institutions.